I have never heard of Jason Evert before, but when my sister Chat posted about him around 2 or 3 weeks ago with this quote, I immediately looked him up and fell in love with him. He is an international speaker who goes around the world to share what real love is all about. Real love that is based on the Word.
Many of us think we know what LOVE is. We say we feel it and we believe it when it's there. But once we don't feel it anymore, we are quick to conclude, "I don't love him/her anymore." This is why there are so many broken hearts, and even souls, because we have the wrong perceptions of what love is. Especially in the youth today, when they feel they're "in love", they easily give in to their emotions, including their lusts for the flesh. And we think it's okay because this is what we see on TV, Internet, and basically everywhere. But is this real love? Does real love allow our honor and dignity to be stained? I don't think so.
I've had mistakes in my youth, yes. I think a lot of us have, but I will do anything and everything for my girls Caitlin and Elise (and future children) to keep themselves pure until they get married. They deserve a man who will truly value and respect them. One who will not prioritize their wants, but one who will honor what is right and pure. I'm not saying that I did THAT before I got married, but one should remember that purity does not just talk about keeping your virginity. Purity is having pure thoughts and pure acts in everything.
I like what Jason and his wife Crystalina wrote in their book, "How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul",
If you want a true man, you need to know what one looks like. For starters, a guy cannot be considered a man unless he treats a woman with dignity. When a boy learns how to forget himself for the good of another, he becomes a man. This transition does not occur at puberty; it comes when he learns the meaning of sacrifice. As you can imagine, walking hormone guys are locked into a mentality of using instead of loving. For this reason, stay far away from them. Instead of wasting your time on guys who see your purity as a problem or neurotic condition, hold out for a guy who values you for more than your body.This is my desire for my girls. They deserve nothing less. And with the way things are going in society today -- people pressing on for the RH Bill, promoting pre-marital sex, divorce and homosexuality, and all these other things, I am praying hard for my girls to grow up with the mindset that true love is worth waiting for.
And so, I wish all youth can attend this life-changing event in September! Jason and Crystalina Evert themselves will talk about REAL LOVE.
Get your tickets here.